
More QB Drills - Mark Sanchez, NY Jets

Here are some clips of Jets qb Mark Sanchez.  Over the past two seasons I have incorporated the first drill into my individual period and have really liked the results.  It can be a challenging drill for young quarterbacks but with time and reps they will gain confidence in their ability to find the cones with their feet and not their eyes.  I call this drill "figure 8's".  The main focus here is to once again keep the qb's eyes down field while keeping a wide base and focusing on covering ground quickly but with short, controlled strides that allow your qb to move efficiently in the pocket.  This drill has helped my qb's with in-pocket footwork and avoiding pressure.  The second video, "agility/reaction drill" is also another one of my favorites.  I avoid using the cones here and begin this drill with a 3-step drop, followed by my QB going through specific reads for a given play.  After he verbalized his reads, I then use a broom stick or some type of pad to provide a reaction stimuli.  Once again, it is helpful here to provide some type of competitive edge to the drill.  For example; if I touch the qb with the broom stick or pad, every touch equals ten push-ups during post practice.  Lastly, I want to make a point to keep in mind the idea of a balanced variety in your qb individual period.  It is important to understand that there are certain drills that must be performed on a daily basis in order to create muscle memory but at the same time there are drills that can be used less frequently to provide a change of pace to your indy period and allow the qb's to have some fun.  The last thing you want is for your qb's to simply go through the motions.  A little bit of unpredictability never hurts, being creative and over the top in the right situations can provide excitement and energy to your drills.  

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